What is Kombucha?
“Kom-boo-cha” is a sweet and sour tasting fermented tea. Kombucha is ancient but has become very popular in the recent decades. It is made by sweetening tea with sugar and adding the kombucha culture called a SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast). In the same way a yogurt culture ferments milk, the kombucha culture ferments tea. The result culturing tea is a refreshing, bubbly, delicious, probiotic, health tonic!
What are the health benefits?
Kombucha is most known for its probiotic content. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that may improve gut health. Kombucha also contains many healthy organic acids, enzymes, B vitamins and antioxidants. Kombucha has been known to help with many different health issues but generally, it supports your body’s already brilliant systems of digestion, elimination, and detoxification.
Aside from kombucha, there are inherent health properties of tea used in brewing kombucha. Tea is high in antioxidants, alkaloids, and amino acids, all made more bioavailable from the alchemical process of fermentation! Kombucha extracts the flavonoids and vitamins from the flavoring agents (herbs, fruits, superfoods) used in kombucha as well. Overall, the finished kombucha is like a bottle of micronutrients that if made well, tastes great!
How are you supposed to drink kombucha?
I get this question a lot and in short, there is no wrong way to drink kombucha! The first thing I recommend is to listen to your body. If you try some and want more, then drink it! If your body feels like it has had enough than don’t drink any more. Some days you might not have any and some days you might drink a 32-ounce bottle! If your brain needs more of a concrete answer to this question, I recommend drinking smaller amounts more often than a large amount all at once. I typically drink 4 ounces, about three times throughout the day. I love drinking kombucha or having some kind of raw fermented food with meals to aid in digestion and nutrient absorbption.
Is Kombucha safe to drink for everyone?
How Long is Kombucha Good For?
Every brand of kombucha differs with this one. Our kombucha on tap is guaranteed fresh for 2 months after purchase.
The interesting thing about our raw kombucha, is that it doesn’t spoil in the sense that other foods go bad. This is because kombucha is already in a pH protected environment that prohibits putrefying bacteria from growing. However, after the expiration date, you may notice off flavors due to the increase of yeast content. The extra yeast build up may also make your bottle over carbonated, and possibly increased alcohol content. For these reasons, we do not recommend drinking kombucha that is past two months.
How much sugar is in kombucha?
Kombucha is one of the lowest sugar drinks out there! The amount of sugar varies by brand.
An 8 oz glass of our unflavored kombucha contains 6 grams of sugar. You can compare this with 8 oz of 1% milk having 12g, 8 oz of orange juice with 18g, and 8 oz of Pepsi having 28g!
Also, kombucha contains acetic acid which is known to regulate blood sugar so our kombucha is diabetic friendly. We do not back-sweeten after fermentation like some brands do. The only additional sugar is from the real fruit we use to flavor with after fermentation and most of the flavor in our kombucha comes from herbs which add zero sugar!